Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am calling this blog congrats not because someone is getting married or won the lottery, nothing like that. I am appropriately naming this blog Congrats because of TTTSNB's excellent blog. 
I see the improvements in my best friend instantly now that Rayne is with TTTSNB and away from said person.
I see how happy she has become. How care free and genuinely caring. She has done wrong and she has admitted  it, not made up a load of rubbish about her actions and the reason behind them.
I have my best friend back again. My honest, kind, caring and sometimes eccentric best friend back again. Can said person really justify their actions to "Be honest" and "Tell the truth" Your sincerity could trigger a landslide. Honestly I don't want to be one of those people that argue over the internet, but I'm telling it like it is.
And said person please don't critisise others. That means TTTSNB I may not have met the guy but I can see the possative effect that he is having on Rayne and you have no right to get stuck into anyone that makes a difference in someone I love's  life. A 'Good' difference with 'possative effects' If said person knows what those words mean.
I'm Sorry but Rayne is mine and no wanna be vampire is going to take her away.


  1. wanna be vamp? hmmmmm
    i wonder who that applies to?

  2. im sorry about the blog with becca. i know shes a better person. and i dont hate josh. i was just jealous that he fits so perfectly into her world.

    it was just hard because i had to get used to the change. i've never known a becca other than the one i was best friends with. you guys hav known her longer and i never knew what person she was before we were friends. im sorry if you felt as if i took your friend away.

    i dont have anything against you so im confused as to why you suddenly started being so mean without even talking to me. i've made mistakes. like ignoring meg for a while. and not being able to understand beccas relationship. but i have apologised profusely to meg. and i apologised to bec and josh in my next post.

    i was really really upset when i read this blog and sparks' blog. i completely broke down. i was shivering and crying for a long time. im not trying to make you feel bad or to make you feel sorry for me or anything im just trying to help you understand.

    i've learnt a lot these past couple of weeks. including that the best way to understand things is to talk about them. i want to talk to all of you guys. face to face instead of over the internet.

    i've hurt a few people and i've hurt myself. im not expecting us all to be best friends or anything. i just want you to understand. and i want to understand as well.


  3. Why are all your comments so long?

  4. Try to personalise them then. Instead of copy and pasting them the same for everyone
