Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tedious versions of hell and the way we cope

When Tiger and myself are stuck in a lesson that makes hell look entertaining we need to distract ourselves from suicide so we invent these things to do;

1) Moveasmuchstuffonmrcreaseysdeskaspossiblewithouthimnoticing (the words are fused together because that is how you pronounce it, really fast and with no pauses) The game is played as the title suggests when the players move as much of the stuff on our beloved Goats desk without him realizing things are moving. Tiger is still the winner of this game after moving his coffee cup from one side of the desk to the other.

2) 'The adventures of Spike the echidna' Placing as many cartoon echidnas around the room (and school) As possible.

3) Chucking bits of paper into the back of peoples chairs and then watching their reaction when they discover paper ball littering their chair.

3) Asking Goat stupid questions such as when he is explaining about transformers and you say "Do they have anything to do with autobots?"

4)Put pocketing, Putting as many things as you can into the pockets of peoples blazers and seeing how long it takes for them to realize stuff is in there.

5) Making up songs about things that goat says (The daisy family daa daa daa da da the daisy family...)

6) Making news reports up about what is happening during the tedious version of hell

7)Picture notes (they are impossible to read but to the people that wrote it)

8) Offering to sell Dinosaur drawings.

9)Fashion reports on what dinosaur is wearing.

And finally #10 speaking spanish to the japanese teacher (always goes down well)

1 comment:

  1. we are tres amusont :)...thats not the right spelling....fuck i cant even spell in French!tehehe:)
