Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Okay, if you read this you're probably wondering why I named this blog Fire & Ice

I was stuck trying to think of a name for my personal blog (As in the one that I don't share with Rayne).
So I thought to myself 'What would Jesus do?' Actually I didn't. I looked at my whiteboard.
Written there was my favorite poem "Fire & Ice" by Robert Frost. So I stole the name of the poem and Voila! my blog was born. 
And because if I were to stop now this blog would be amazingly short so here's the poem (and yes I have it mermorized)

Fire & Ice 

Some say the world will end in fire
Some in ice.
I hold with those that favor fire
But if it to perish twice 
I think I know enough of hate 
to say that for destruction of ice
It is also great
and would suffice. 
By Robert Frost

There it is I don't know why I like it, but I do.


  1. i want to be an auther someday, and i have a whole trilogy of awsomeness planned out. i started kinda jotting down notes last year. oh, and if your wondering y this is relevant, thats because its called fire and ice as well. ooooh, scary, isnt it??? :P
