Friday, June 26, 2009

Yeh, I know this is short

Incredibly short blog, but I am annoyed. 
Certain blogs and blog comments from a certain person annoy me. If I were to correct them I would scratch out their faults with crosses, but I shan't. For fear of making the page look like a cemetery. 


  1. ahaaa i actually get that
    do the english speaking word a favour and lay off the jane austen and william makepeace thackery or watever their names

  2. Sorry that my books are more mature than Blonderage and 30 guys in 30 days

  3. bahahah i just read your last comment on your other blog.that was v.large ownage ^_^
    yep...sorry i get excited when i see people burning each other soo bad.and it makes me laugh....moving on.STICK TO THE CLASSICS XD PUT THAT IN YOUR JUICE BOX AND SUCK IT SPARKS!

  4. i like cemetaries. their fun to walk through at night dressed as the grim reaper scaring old people......

    yea, good times :)

  5. Funniest mental image happening here. Makes me think of the scary tunnel, eh, Sparks?

  6. the one near whitfords ? that smells like wee? haha RAPIST? oh my mate is going to uni in England next year and to get to her Uni from the campus she is staying at she has to walk down somewhere called rape alley. Haha funny times....wait Kai wont be able to read this and he is the only one who would understand it....ultimate fail for Rayne....

  7. No, It's in John Forrest. Long story short it's a really old train tunnel that you can walk through totally pitch black as in you can't see your hand in front of your face. Sparks and I walked through it with Alicia and she was freaking out so she carried a stick to fend off "tunnel monsters", She ended up hitting Sparks with the stick and causing her to fall in to a puddle. Sad thing is that Alicia was truely scared, I was all for hiding in the side sections and jumping out with Sparks, but Alicia was going on about how mean it was to scare the people and was practically sprinting to the end of the tunnel.
